I'm a smart contract engineer with experience in product management, economics (game theory and mechanism design), ML (tensorflow and numpy), IoT (Arduino and Adafruit), writing, and web development. I am currently freelancing and open to web3 consultation meetings. Here are my links.
Currently freelancing in the web3 space. Here are some of my projects:
- Metagov: working on a game theoretic implementation of a SAFE legal contract. Further implementation includes abstracting the contract as a smart contract for DAOs to use for equity financing.
- Bureau of Creative Intelligence / Thurgood Marshall College Fund: Helping create curriculum for the 3rd cohort of the Metascholars
- Black Digital Art Collective: Working with the team at a16z CLF and Black@ to create the largest collective of black digital art via a collector DAO
- Shel: a DeFi protocol for token abstraction. Still a side project.
- Delegated >$20M in protocol tokens to 13 nonprofits and universities
- Founded an art collector DAO with a16z CLF
- Conducted smart contract audits and researched web3 technologies such as zk cryptography and Layer 2's
Worked as a program manager on the Azure hardware team. Learned about cloud server hardware, Azure (particularly cloud storage and machine learning), and supply chain management.
Did an internship and a co-op at Apple for summer 2019 and spring & summer 2020. Worked as a software engineer on the Siri team and a product manager during the second half of my co-op. My biggest takeaways were from working with a devops-focused team that shipped daily bug fixes and updates.