Maydrian Lowe (He/Him)
Civil Rights Attorney in the making. Content Creator and Rising NAACP LDF Marshal-Motley Inaugural Scholar.

January 2023 — May 2023
Austin, TX
We work on a number of fronts to advocate for policy changes at the state level, as well as the local and school district level to close pathways to dropout and eliminate contact with the criminal legal system. We also work with community organizations, schools, teachers and students from a policy perspective to foster safe and supportive environments where all students can thrive, regardless of race, income, background or Zip code.

Intern at Promise of Justice Initiative

May 2022 — August 2022
New Orleans, LA
I work directly with staff attorneys working with people incarcerated and unconstitutionally convicted by a non-unanimous jury in the Louisiana State Prison System to find practical solutions for their freedom. Rather it be through District Attorney-Law Firm mitigation, ligation for new trials, or other methods we work daily to bring home the 1,049+ Louisianans sitting in prisons without constitutional convictions. I also work on the End Plantation Prisons project which is targeted at ending forced labor across the Southern United States with a primary focus on Louisiana.

Legislative Aide at Texas House of Representatives

December 2020 — June 2021
• Tracked advancement of bills through the legislative process, includes monitoring of committee hearings, securing committee testimony and records preparation • Managed the Representative's schedule and travel arrangements, providing all materials • Represented the office at legislative and community events • Identified and monitor district specific issues • Wrote correspondence for the State Representative including but not limited to; letters to the Governor, Press Releases, Constituent Correspondence and more. • Coordinated and communicate with lobbyists and interest groups to promote the views and ideals of the Representative

Field Organizer at Texas Democratic Party

July 2020 — November 2020
● Organized in 4 Texas House Districts; coordinating with precinct chairs, voter registrars, and community members daily. ● Conducted weekly phone banks, community events, and organized the largest Black voters phonebank and database to better engage Black Texans. ● Gained proficiency in VAN (Voter Action Network)

Texas Tech University School of Law

JD in Law with a concentration in Civil Rights

August 2021 — May 2024

Activities and Societies

8th Chair of the Southwest Region of the National Black Law Students Association Vice President of the Texas Tech Chapter of the Black Law Students Association.

Awards, Scholarships, and Fellowships

Inaugural Marshall Motley Scholar JLT Scholarship Texas Appleseed Educational Justice Legal Fellow

Prairie View A&M University

Bachelor's in Political Science

August 2017 — May 2020

Activities and Societies

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc Student Government Association The Panther Party PSP (Political Science Possee) Volunteer Deputy Voting Registrar Deputy Campaign Manager for Marian Elaine Jackson for JP3

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