Sara Wunete (She/Her)
Financial Analyst @ Apple Inc.

Sara has not added a bio yet.

Sara has not added work experience yet.

Howard University

Bachelor's in Finance

August 2018 — May 2022

Activities and Societies

Ethiopian Eritrean Student's Association, Co-Finance Director & Chief of Staff ('18-'22) School of Business Council, P.A.C.E ('20-'21) Howard Student Government Association, Special Programs ('20-'21) Millennials in Data ('19)

Awards, Scholarships, and Fellowships

Thurgood Marshall College Fund Apple Scholar ('21) McKinsey and Company MVP, 21 Cap Award ('19)

🧐 Resume Review

Review undergraduate and post-graduate resumes.

🫂 Mentorship

Willing to mentor those interested in Finance and/or the Tech industry.

Start Ups


Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Microsoft Excel